Friday, March 20, 2009

Coupon Fairy~

Thank goodness it is Friday! I posted a coupon bar on the right hand side of this page and I hope you all click on it and check out the coupons on there. I do it every Friday before shopping and I have found a $5.00 and $3.00 off of HUGGIES DIAPERS OF ANY SIZE COUPON! I don't use diapers anymore but I try to find the coupons of great value and pass them on. I print them and when I go shopping I go to the diaper section and give them to people with diapers in their cart or if I can't find them then I stick them right under the pack of diapers so someone will find them. It works because I check back before I leave and they are gone. That is an amazing deal for a pack of diapers. If you get the jumbo pack which is $10.99 at Walmart and use the coupon it is $6.99 for a pack of diapers. Not bad huh? So, go and check out the coupon bar. They change them every week or two and I have found them to be the best on the internet so far and I spend lots of time searching so take my word for it! myspace graphic comments
Graphics for Weekend Comments

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