Friday, September 5, 2008

Watch out for the lightening Mr. Obama!

This is a good example of why charisma is not enough to run this country! Mr. I am not Muslim I am a Christian has obviously forgotten to actually study the Bible especially the part about blasphemy. America needs to wake up from the spell that that man has tried to cast and make a good choice! Sarah Palin may not have a fake presidential seal on her plane but she has raised 5 children, actually passed a major law while in govt.(unlike her opposition), and has the love and compassion that only the mother of a special needs child could have. And I have a funny feeling she won't be pushed around real easily. A woman after my own heart! Watch this video and maybe you will start to question some of the things that this man says for yourself.\v\4FCNKwHRCQM

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day!

My brother Rick, his wife Kimberly, and her 3 year old son Dakota came in town for the holiday weekend. We didn't do a whole lot just grilled out and went to Elijah's football game. It was a nice peaceful weekend.
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Reading with Brother

Elijah went to Boomsday with his Dad on Sunday. I love fireworks but I don't like the crowd at Boomsday.
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Look at that hair!

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On the trampoline with Dakota

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Nanny chasing both boys!

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Playing ball with Dakota

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Playing with Papaw Jim

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Eating soy ice cream!

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