Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Is today seriously Tuesday?!

It feels like Thursday at our house. I think it must be having to start school again after having no one to pick up and take, sleeping later, staying up later, etc...

I found some good deals at Ross' this weekend! We play a lot of board games at our house. One night a week we play all together. I found "Scene It, Nickelodeon Channel" for $7.99 at Ross'. I have been wanting that one the "Scene It, Movie Edition", but they are normally $30.00 each so I was thrilled to get one for $7.99! We are going to play it tonight! Elijah will probably spank Brian and I at it but that's okay!

Zanes birthday is creeping up very shortly and I am trying to decide what to do. I think I will rent an inflatable from Moonwalks and Such like I usually do and let him jump until he can't jump anymore. I am going to have Magpies or The Cupcakery make cupcakes for the adults and I will make his individual cake. We are going to use Mickey Mouse for the theme since he loves it. I bought a shirt with Mickey Mouse on it and it says Happy 3rd Birthday Zane! It is adorable!! I get a shirt every year that has his age on it so I can keep them and show them to him when he is 30!

Not much else going on around here, My Brother and Sister in law go to court on Friday to finalize the adoption of my nephew, Dakota. His Dad didn't respond to the papers or ad that they posted so he will lose his parental rights on Friday. He has never really taken an interest in him anyway so it isn't like Dakota cares. I know Rick is excited and a little relieved too.

Well, that's all for now. I am off to make Hooters Chicken Wings and BBQ Wings for dinner!

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