Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Elijah had a football game this evening with the Halls #2 team at John Tarleton. His stepmom called to tell me that it had been rescheduled because 12 players on the opposing team had the flu. A friend of mine told me she had 15 people absent from her homeroom because of confirmed flu cases. The news says the absenteeism rate is 6%. I have a feeling it is going up very quickly. Make sure you wash your hands and watch your kids when they come home from school. The flu season this year is starting out early and strong regardless of the "don't panic" mantality they are portraying on the news. They begin flu mist vaccines next week at Elijahs school and it could not come fast enough. That doesn't always guarantee they won't get it but it make deter some cases of it hopefully.

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