Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day of School

Today Elijah started the first day of fifth grade. He got up and got dressed, combed his hair looked in the mirror one last time before leaving to make sure his hair wasn't sticking up. I remember seeing those big 5th graders on his first day of kindergarten and thinking how it would be forever before Elijah would be in 5th grade. Now here we are! I always go in with him on his first day of the school year. In kindergarten it took me about 20 minutes to reassure, say goodbye etc... today, being the big 5th grader that he is, it took 30 seconds and an "okay mom, you can go I'm allright." Thank goodness I have a couple of years before I have to do it again. Elijah will probably cry as much as me and Daddy on Zanes first day of school!

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